RISC launches a Driver Safety Certification program that addresses insurance companies’ pain points.

TAMPA, FL 3/16/2020 – RISC launches a new Driver Safety Certification Program. This unique training program is exclusively for collateral recovery drivers operating small to mid-size tow trucks and roll-back trucks equipped to tow or transport collateral such as motor vehicles. The course covers essential topics, including defensive driving techniques, company training procedures, employee risk screening procedures and more.

With the average motorist driving approximately 600,000 miles in a lifetime and the tow truck operator driving up to 3 times that amount, the tow truck operator must acquire as much education and training in the operation of trucks as possible. Bad driving habits, lack of training, and distracted driving can lead to collisions, property damage, severe and sometimes permanent physical injuries, insurance claims, and lawsuits. The impacts can include exclusion of the driver on an insurance policy, considerable increases in insurance premiums, or non-renewal of the company. Training is crucial to avoid these issues.

“Being an insurance agent, we sometimes walk a difficult line managing our relationships with both the insurance carrier and our customers,” says Chip Thompson, president of American Transportation Insurance Group (ATIG). “We are continually trying to bridge the gap between what insurance carriers are looking to achieve and what insureds are willing to adhere to. With that said, this driver safety program is outstanding on all fronts”, says Thompson. “It addresses the pain points that insurance carriers are looking at to mitigate claims. In areas of great importance, this program is entirely comprehensive. It also discusses new items facing business today, such as social media.” Thompson finishes with, “this certification is one of the most thorough driver training programs I have seen on the market.”

RISC’s Driver Safety Certification is included as part of the RISC Pro Membership or available to non-members for $99. To learn more about what the program consists of, go to www.riscus.com/education/driversafety.

About RISC

RISC is an organization dedicated to providing compliance oversight and training services to the collateral recovery industry and beyond. RISC advocates on behalf of all practitioners within the industry. For more information, visit www.RISCus.com or call (813) 712-7535.

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