Pursuing Knowledge – Data Security Training

RISC is proud to announce that we have added another Continuing Education Training course entitled Data Security – Protecting NPPI (Non-public Personal Information). As you may know, data security in the lending and collateral recovery industry is the new “hot button” issue facing both industries.

Every day we read about data security breaches, including identity theft and the illegal use of Non-Public Personal Information (NPPI). Many of these violations have disastrous and very costly results. As a result, lenders are beginning to require the collateral recovery specialist they hire, show proof that they have a data security plan in effect and that the plan complies with the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act (GLBA) Final Rules.

The Data Security Plan in Continuing Education Course 8 meets the criteria you will need to comply with your clients requirements. Our research indicates that a collateral recovery specialist would pay beyond $500 for a comparable data security plan. As you know, the cost of our Continuing Education Courses are only $99 each, which makes our Data Security Plan an invaluable and inexpensive tool. Our education programs are even less expensive for a RISC Agent Alliance Member. Enroll in CE 8 – Data Security Now

And, within the next few weeks RISC will be publishing the Skip Tracers National Certification Program. This one of a kind training program is the result of the efforts of our staff working with Alex Price whose extensive experience and knowledge of the Skip-Tracing profession is nationally recognized. The program will be a comprehensive national certification program for those skip-tracers who want to take their profession to the next level. This program will also include a Florida Skip Tracers Guide and a Military Locator Guide.

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