Home / Education Overview / Education for Lenders/National Forwarders
Protecting all parties in the repossession process is crucial. Regular training for Lenders and National Forwarders will protect your employees, your company as well as the consumer. RISC’s training programs and certifications are accepted nationwide.
- Train your vendor management and collections specialists with RISC's CARS Financial Client certification program.
- Self-paced courses administered on RISC's convenient online Education Platform.
- Prepared alongside and updated annually by leading expert in debt collections law, Hudson Cook, LLP.
- RISC is an accredited teaching facility licensed by the State of Florida.
- CARS FC requires recertification annually.
- Certificate and digital badge provided for their accomplishment.

A Certification Program Designed for Lenders and National Forwarders
The CARS FC certification program was created for financial clients including national forwarding companies and lending institutions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the state and federal laws that apply to self-help repossession. In collaboration with top lenders and Hudson Cook LLP, RISC developed the certification curriculum specific to financial clients who are not performing the actual repossession but still handling sensitive customer information that leads to asset recovery. The course takes the participant through all aspects of the repossession transaction from federal and state laws and regulations to crimes and best practices. The course includes:
- Fair Debt Collections Practices Act
- Dodd Frank prohibition on Unfair, Deceptive and Abusive Acts and Practices, Gramm-Leach Bliley
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
- And much more
Who would benefit from this training?
- Vendor Management
- Recovery Management
- Risk Management
- Compliance Specialists
- Collectors
- Auditors
Read more about the course contents and purchase now.
Are your recovery agents properly trained?

CARS and CARS Continuing Education certification programs cover all state and federal laws that impact the self-help repossession process for service providers. Learn more about CARS for Agents/Service Providers.