Home / Education Overview / CE Programs
RISC is excited to offer two different continuing education programs. Federal Law and the Repossession Process is our new and improved CE12 course and is required by many clients. Professional Conduct for Recovery Agents is focused on elements of the repossession process.
Your CARS Certificate of completion is a lifetime achievement. However, to maintain CARS accreditation on the RISC website you must take one Continuing Education course annually.
- Choose from 2 Continuing Education Courses to keep your CARS annual certification valid.
- Take all courses on RISC's online Education Platform.
- Check with your clients for any required annual courses.
- Receive a certificate and digital badge for your accomplishment.

RISC Pro Members pay only $35 for all CARS Continuing Education. Learn more about the RISC Pro Membership.
CE Course 1 – Applicable Federal Law and Defensive Driving covers all major federal regulations including FDCPA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Service Members Civil Relief Act and more . This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 2 – Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Elements of Crimes Against Persons, and Defensive Driving covers the UCC code sections 9-609 through 9-628 in depth as well as defensive driving techniques. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 3 – Elements of Property Crimes and Defensive Driving course covers topics such as trespassing, breaking fences, burglary as well as defensive driving and more. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 4 – The Recovery Process course covers the topics of receiving assignments, personal property procedures, security, redemption of collateral and more. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE: Federal Law and the Repossession Process is RISC’s most in-depth and popular continuing education course. It is also required annually by many clients across the country. This Continuing Education program is designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $90
$35 for RISC Pro Members
CE: Professional Conduct for Recovery Agents covers topics such as communications with law enforcement and debtors and the ethics behind collateral recovery. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $90
$35 for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 6 – Skip Tracing, Insurance and Defensive Driving covers an overview of the craft of skip tracing as well as the ins and outs of insurance and more. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 8 – The Data Security course covers protecting NPPI (Non-public Personal Information). It meets the criteria you will need to comply with your clients’ requirements and complies with the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act (GLBA) Final Rules. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 9 – This course covers the details of both the FDCPA and UDAAP as they specifically impact the self-help repossession process. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details
Price: $220
30% Off for RISC Pro Members
CE Course 11 – This covers Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) which provides the parameters for the protection of Nonpublic Personal Information (NPPI) to non-affiliated third-parties by financial institutions. This course is a Continuing Education program designed for professional collateral recovery agents who need to complete their annual recertification of a Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS®) Certification. Additional Details