
RISC Extends Compliance Best Practices to Repossession Lot Inspections

Comprehensive Lot Inspection Reports Now Available for Repossession Lots across the United States.

Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC) expands industry-leading compliance to provide comprehensive, up-to-date lot inspections for repossession storage lots across the United States. RISC’s Lot Inspection Service includes current reports on more than 1,500 Recovery Companies who collectively operate more than 3,000 recovery storage lots nationwide. Together, these lots store more than 95% of the repossessed vehicles recovered throughout the United States each year.

“Regardless of a lenders assignment strategy, annual inspections can be difficult to schedule, perform and maintain. In turn, the repossession company gets inundated with inspection requests from forwarders and lenders taking valuable time away from repossessions they need to perform,” said Stamatis Ferarolis, founder of RISC. “This coupled with variations in reports drove the initiative for RISC to perform and maintain standard lot inspections across the country.”

RISC’s Lot Inspection Service includes:

  • Office inspection
  • Vehicle security
  • Key storage and security
  • Personal property security
  • IT security


Two industry problems are solved with this solution. First, the lender is alleviated from managing this portion of the CFPB mandated vendor vetting process. Second, the recovery agency is relieved of the burden of having multiple lenders inspect the same lot.

“RISC’s Lot Inspection Service saves time and resources for all parties,” said Ferarolis, “and provides the lender with a single source to quickly, and economically, gain access to current, comprehensive lot inspections on every lot in which a consumer’s vehicle may be stored.”

Inspectors must complete Inspector Education, RISC’s proprietary training program. This training was developed specifically for repossession lot inspectors to ensure an objective report of the property. Each report is accessible online so it is easy for lenders to gather the necessary documentation required by auditors or third party regulators such as the CFPB.

Between now and the end of the year, lenders can take advantage of RISC’s free vendor compliance analysis. This vendor analysis will provide the lender with a snapshot of their vendor’s compliance status which will include information on lot inspections as well as business license, insurance, background checks and other vital compliance data. To sign up and get your free analysis, go to

Recovery Industry Fuels All-Time Growth for RISC’s Compliance Certification Program

Nationwide focus on compliance standards leads recovery industry professionals to RISC’s standardized compliance training.

TAMPA, FL 10/04/2017 – Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC) announces unprecedented growth and adoption of its industry leading Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS) and CARS-FC certification program. For more than 10 years, RISC has lead the way in recovery agent training with its CARS program which has certified more than 10,000 individuals since it was launched in 2002. With an ever increasing focus on compliance, lenders, forwarders and repossession professionals have sought standardized training programs and reporting to internal and 3rd party auditors, such as the CFPB.

The industry’s focus on compliance has created a surge in the number of companies that require CARS certification for all employees. “Since June, more than 3,000 individuals have become CARS certified, with another 2,800 professionals currently preparing for the exam. By the end of Q3, the nations’ 5 largest forwarding companies had certified all of their employees with CARS-FC, and more than 600 repossession companies have begun the process of having all their employees, not just their drivers, CARS trained,” said Stamatis Ferarolis, founder of RISC.

“We are proud to be the only compliance certification program accepted nationwide by all lenders and forwarders,” Ferarolis continued. “From the CARS certification program to vendor vetting to lot inspections, RISC has developed a comprehensive solution that ensures compliance by enforcing standards and teaching individuals how recover vehicles safely and handle sensitive data.”

This Spring, at lenders’ request, RISC created the Certified Asset Recovery Specialist-Forwarding Company (CARS-FC) training program as an extension of the industry standard CARS program. CARS-FC consists of a comprehensive set of applicable laws and regulations specific to forwarding company personnel to provide standardized training in all areas of compliance.

RISC would like to recognize the following forwarding companies that committed and certified their personnel on the standard RISC CARS-FC program. We would like to thank these companies, and others, for their commitment to the effort of standardized compliance for forwarder company personnel:

  • Primeritus Financial Services
  • ALS/Resolvion
  • American Recovery Service
  • Del Mar Recovery Solutions
  • Plate Locate
  • Synergetic Communication Inc.

For questions about the RISC CARS or RISC CARS-FC program, or to sign your company up, please contact Holly, at [email protected].

About RISC
RISC is an organization dedicated to providing services specific to the collateral recovery industry and advocate on behalf of all professional practitioners within the industry. RISC is dedicated to the professional training and certification of collateral recovery specialists. For more information, visit

Holly Balogh Named President of RISC, Tampa, FL

RISC is pleased to announce that Holly Balogh has been hired as the President and COO of RISC, the leading compliance and training company for the Recovery Industry. Stamatis Ferarolis will remain as owner and CEO. “RISC continues to be at the forefront of the recovery industry for compliance and training. With the growth we have seen from our recent partnership with MBSi, we needed to bring additional leadership with deep industry experience to ensure we are positioned well to support the growth that we are seeing,” said Stamatis Ferarolis. “We are thrilled to have Holly join RISC as President and bring her wealth of recovery and compliance experience to our customers.” Holly joins RISC with over 5 years of industry experience most recently working as the Chief Operating Officer at RDN, a business unit of KAR Auction Services, Inc.

Balogh brings more than 25 years of business experience to RISC including her experiences at RDN, formerly as the Vice President of, a technology service company based in the rocky mountain west, and as an experienced manager at Accenture, an international technology and management consulting company. “From my experiences working in the recovery industry, I am aware that RISC provides the gold standard of compliance and training through their CARS program. With their recent growth, as well as lender and forwarder company adoption, they set the standard in the industry for training, lot inspections and vetting services. I am thrilled to join RISC and to bring my compliance and industry experience to the business,” said Balogh.

Balogh can be reached at [email protected].

RISC to Acquire Recovery Compliance Solutions (RCS)

TAMPA, Fla., May 26, 2017 – Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC), the industry-leading provider of Collateral Recovery Training, Certification, and Compliance Solutions, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Recovery Compliance Solutions (RCS) in order to enhance its Vendor Vetting services as part of RISC’s overall compliance-related offering.

“RISC is a perfect fit for us,” read a statement from RCS. “They share our vision for ensuring that the most capable, well-rounded, and compliant individuals and agencies are operating on behalf of the automotive lending community. We are thrilled to be a part of the RISC family.”

RCS was founded in 2008 and has offices in St Louis, MO.

“The RCS team has built a very strong practice in repossession agent auditing. Their process is extremely thorough and by combining our teams we will be able to better serve our customers by delivering best-in-class compliance validation,” said Stamatis Ferarolis, president of RISC.

The acquisition comes at an exciting time as RISC has recently unveiled technology integrations which allow forwarders and financial institutions to ensure that agents meet their specific compliance standards all the way from agent selection through individual assignment and asset storage.

“RISC’s overall vision is to create a succinct experience allowing lenders to be sure that the agents they work with are thoroughly trained, comprehensively vetted, and in possession of secure and adequate storage lots,” said Ferarolis. “Through our technological integrations, lenders and forwarders can manage assignments with all of that compliance information at their fingertips. They can even specify their own custom compliance standards and push required policies and training courses to their agents. We’ve worked with the industry’s leading stakeholders, as well as bodies such as the CFPB to architect universally accepted compliance guidelines and integrate them with our solutions.”

To contact RISC, please email to [email protected] or visit our website,

RISC Unveils Latest Continuing Education Course for Collateral Recovery Professionals – CE 11

The national risk management company is offering special pricing for the 100% online course, which covers the protection of consumers’ personal information.

RISC, a renowned leader and innovator in the risk management field, today announced its newest Continuing Education course for collateral recovery professionals, with special 50% discount pricing currently available.

The CE 11 course, which is offered 100% online, prepares recovery agency owners and agents to comply with federal regulations for protecting consumers’ Nonpublic Personal Information (NPPI).

In addition to covering Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requirements specific to third-party disclosure of NPPI, the new course also examines the growing role of social media in the repossession process.
The CE 11 course is priced at just $49 through April 13, 2017, a discount of 50% off regular pricing.

“Professionals in the collateral recovery industry face an array of complex and fast-changing challenges, from rising insurance rates to lender compliance mandates and federal consumer protection regulations,” said RISC President Stamatis Ferarolis, a licensed training instructor for collateral recovery specialists across the nation. “In such an environment, it’s critical that recovery agents and agency owners continually advance their knowledge and understanding of the latest industry developments.”

Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC) is accredited via State of Florida License No. RS950001. RISC Educational Systems is the only collateral recovery training company that is licensed.

The CE 11 course provides recommended procedures for protecting NPPI from unauthorized third-party disclosure during the repossession process, specifically relating to: address verification (residence and place of employment); contact procedure (other than debtor); and skip-tracing.

Additionally, the course outlines how social media can affect the repossession process, such as:

  • Potentially violating an individual’s privacy rights through the disclosure and/or dissemination of personal and/or disparaging information online
  • Determining insurability, in part, through a review of an individual’s social media postings, including comments and photos

RISC’s industry-leading suite of Continuing Education courses has been developed to comply with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and lender mandates across a range of specialty areas, including Field Recovery Procedures, Data Security and the Uniform Commercial Code.

All courses are offered 100% online, including final testing, and a certificate is issued upon successful completion of each of the 11 CE courses. The training provided is applicable in all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.

“Our goal in developing certification and Continuing Education courses is to ensure collateral recovery professionals continue to serve their clients effectively, while complying with state and federal regulations that impact the repossession process,” said Ferarolis, co-author of the Field Recovery Specialist Operations Manual.

For more information about RISC’s Continuing Education programs and other services, please e-mail [email protected], call 866-996-7472 or visit

Enroll Now – CE 11

RISC Announces 10th Continuing Education Course for Collateral Recovery Industry Professionals

TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 2, 2017 – RISC, a nationally recognized leader in the risk management field, is pleased to announce its 10th Continuing Education course is now available 100% online, with special 50% discount pricing currently offered.

The CE 10 course covers Anti-Corruption/Bribery and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and will benefit professional recovery agents and recovery agency owners in meeting current and future compliance mandates.

The new online course also will assist collateral recovery professionals in understanding how anti-corruption/bribery safeguards and ADA legislation affect a collateral recovery business, both in the field and in the office.

“When choosing a Continuing Education provider, it’s vital to evaluate the program’s effectiveness in preparing collateral recovery professionals to be successful in the courts and on the streets,” said RISC President Stamatis Ferarolis, a licensed training instructor for collateral recovery specialists nationwide and co-author of the Field Recovery Specialist Operations Manual.

“For decades, the RISC team has been dedicated to developing compliance solutions exclusively for the collateral recovery industry,” Ferarolis said. “Through education, training and technology, we prepare you for continued career growth in a rapidly evolving profession.”

The Anti-Corruption/Bribery Section of CE 10 explains how to identify these criminal offenses and prevent them from occurring in your collateral recovery business. It is highly recommended that recovery agency owners ensure their employees receive ongoing, mandatory training specific to Anti-Corruption/Bribery and that this training be documented.

The Americans with Disabilities Act Section of CE 10 examines how this civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including in the area of employment. The course material provides recovery agencies with guidance in formulating their corporate operational policies in compliance with federal law.

RISC’s 10 Continuing Education courses are designed to meet current lender and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) compliance mandates in areas such as Data Security, Field Recovery Procedures and the Uniform Commercial Code. The training provided is applicable in all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.

Each course is offered 100% online, including final testing, and a certificate of completion is issued upon successful completion of each CE course. Additionally, the CE 10 course is accredited for eight hours of Continuing Education requirements in Louisiana.

Enroll Now – CE 10


Years ago, this was the advertising slogan for Purolator Oil Filters. Pay Me Now… Or Pay Me Later.

The advertisement following the slogan showed the advantage of using a time tested, very successful product as opposed to untested, unproven, less expensive products, copycat programs. That slogan is still logical today for any product introduced to the market place. Just as it is with professional certification programs for the collateral recovery industry.

The Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (C.A.R.S.) National Certification Program was introduced to the collateral recovery industry and the lending community in 1999 by what is now RISC Education Systems, the only state licensed school in the country that develops training and certification programs exclusively for the collateral recovery agents.

With over 7,000 recovery agents certified through the C.A.R.S. Program across the country and Puerto Rico this professional certification program has set Industry Standards in addressing every aspect of the self-help repossession process. Industry professionals recognize that they receive a professional certification program that has proven, over time, the benefits of managing the potential risks involved in the self-help repossession process. Anyone, whether it be a recovery agent or a lender who has experienced, or is familiar with the enormous costs associated with Wrongful Repossession litigation realizes that “paying later” is not a desirable alternative.

In his endorsement of the C.A.R.S. Program, Bogdan Rentea, one of the most knowledgeable lawyers in the country on the self-help repossession process stated, “I have reviewed your National Certification Program extensively, and I am convinced that it is a most valuable “tool” in dealing with the ever rising litigation and insurance claims within the Asset Recovery Industry.” Mr. Rentea added, “The comprehensive curriculum contained in this program should be required study for not only those seeking to enter the Asset Recovery Industry, but also for those who are already a part of this profession.”

William Bensley, a noted consumer advocacy lawyer stated in his endorsement letter regarding the lack of training within the recovery industry stated, “there is an exception. I have noticed that (recovery) companies that require certification by a nationally recognized certification program display evident superior management, knowledge and professionalism. This is most true of companies that require C.A.R.S. certification. I know of no more practical, comprehensive or effective asset recovery training or certification program.”

Read Full Testimonial

These testaments from prominent attorneys as well as testaments and endorsements from long-time practitioners in the collateral recovery business, who have been involved in lawsuits, can be powerful and favorable “tools” against Repossession lawsuits.

Read More Letters of Endorsement

Considering the long-term, tried and proven benefits and the low cost of the C.A.R.S. National Certification Program, “paying now” vs “paying later” makes good sense for both the collateral recovery specialist and the lender who issues repossession assignments.

In an industry such as the collateral recovery industry where there are many potential risks, buying time and court tested proven certification training is paramount to success. Buying a product that has not been proven simply because it is cheaper is a prescription for paying a lot more later.


Introducing The Certified Commercial Recovery Agent (CCRA) National Certification Program

Due to the numerous compliance mandates by the CFPB and commercial lenders that manage portfolios exceeding $900 Billion, it became clear that there was a critical need for a nationally recognized professional certification program for recovery agents who specialize in commercial asset recovery.

Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC) is proud to announce the Certified Commercial Recovery Agent (CCRA) National Certification Program in conjunction with the Author, Mark Lacek.  Mark has over 25 years’ experience in the commercial asset recovery industry and is certified in both federal and state court to consult and provide expert opinions on Wrongful Repossession litigation.

The CCRA is designed specifically for recovery agents who provide collateral recovery services to the commercial lending industry.  The recovery of commercial assets requires the recovery agent to be trained and prepared for circumstances that are very different from standard automobile and other consumer loan repossessions.  The CCRA National Certification Program addresses all those differences including the following

  • Understanding that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) does not address commercial repossession practices.
  • Understanding the various federal and state laws that affect the commercial asset recovery process.
  • Knowledge of specific tools, supplies and equipment needed in the recovery agent’s work truck so that the recovery agent arriving at the scene of the defaulted commercial collateral is properly equipped to complete the recovery.
  • Understanding the critical importance of a brief pre-recovery inspection when removing the asset from the customer’s property could save the CCRA and/or client thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses.
  • Understanding what will be involved, the time that may be consumed, and the tools necessary to affect the commercial asset will determine the fees charged to the client.
  • Acceptance by commercial lenders who understand the importance of professional certification in managing the “inherent” risks associated with the self-help repossession process and in the event of Wrongful Repossession lawsuits.

Commercial assets are non-standard, defined as heavy duty trucks, construction equipment, golf carts, drill presses, various types of business equipment, farm equipment, exercise equipment, garbage containers, sewing machines, and much more.

On any given day a recovery agency could receive multiple repossession assignments on non-standard equipment.  The recovery agency must have the knowledge of federal and state laws that impact the self-help repossession process and also in-depth knowledge of equipment that will be needed to complete the repossession.  The knowledge of what to do is why commercial collateral recovery agents are unique and thus their training is specialized.

The escalation of Wrongful Repossession lawsuits and rulings by the courts holding creditors liable for the acts of the recovery agents they hire make professional certification a primary factor when creditors hire recovery agents.

The CCRA National Certification Program is the first program developed nationally for those who offer commercial asset recovery services and the numerous reviews by commercial lenders indicates the need for this unique program.

RISC is recognized within the collateral recovery industry as a leader in the fields of CFPB consumer protection training, risk management and industry standard compliance requirements.

RISC services include:  RISC Compliant Agent Network (CAN) membership, certification through the C.A.R.S. National Certification Program, C.A.R.S. Plus CE (continuing education courses), compliance vetting and training, office and storage facilities inspections, business consulting, repossession insurance consulting, lock-smith training and supplies, automotive key codes, discount programs, and a $1 million Client Protection Bond for members of the RISC Complaint Agent Network

For more information, please e-mail RISC at [email protected], call 866-996-7472, or visit our website at

Introducing C.A.R.S. PLUS CE


Why Continuing Education?

Courts across the country have consistently ruled that there are “inherent” risks associated with the self-help repossession process and untrained individuals who are not professionally trained to provide these services pose an elevated and unacceptable risk to public safety.

Documented professional certification and continuing education (CE) are the most effective ways to manage those “inherent” risks associated with the self-help repossession process and further ensure the public safety.   Not to forget, training the recovery agent to protect him or herself from possible peril.

With the advent of lender compliance mandates by the CFPB and the lending community also concerned about public safety and self-image, it is critical for collateral recovery specialists to provide continuing proof of their professional competency to their lender clients.

Multiple states have established educational provisions in order to obtain licensure.  For several years Louisiana has statutorily required that licensed recovery agents complete one continuing education course each year for renewing their license and many in the lending community are contractually making documented education and continuing education as one of their recovery agent’s requirements.

Since the inception of Louisiana’s continuing education requirements RISC has provided continuing education courses that meet Louisiana’s statutory requirements.  Further, RISC continuing education courses provides training that are applicable to all 50 States and Puerto Rico.

Continuing Education (CE) Courses

RISC has developed eight (8) CE courses designed as 8 hour, on-line, and on-line testing for each.  Each curriculum is designed to meet current lender and CFPB compliance mandates.  A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of each CE course.

C.A.R.S. certified recovery agents who avail themselves to a RISC CE course will be recognized as C.A.R.S. Plus CE collateral recovery specialists on the RISC website.

The regular price of a CE course is $99.00.  However, in order to introduce C.A.R.S. certified recovery specialists to RISC CE courses, RISC is offering a 50% discount towards a CE course within 30 days of this announcement.

RISC CAN members will continue after the initial 30 days introduction discount, to receive their member’s discount of 15% ($14.85 total discount) off each Continuing Education program.

As we have stated, with current CFPB and lender compliance mandates along with the proliferation of Wrongful Repossession lawsuits it is critical for recovery agents to obtain and provide up to date professional credentials to their clients and prospective clients.

The C.A.R.S. National Certification Program was introduced to the recovery, insurance, and lending community in 1999 and is accepted and active in all 50 States and Puerto Rico. It is recognized as the industry standard as the premier certification of collateral recovery specialists.

We believe the C.A.R.S. Plus CE programs will continue to provide the training and professional credentials acceptable to the lending industry, further ensure public safety, and the safety of the recovery professional.

RISC is recognized within the collateral recovery industry as a leader in the fields of CFPB consumer protection training, risk management and industry standard compliance requirements.

RISC services include:  RISC Compliant Agent Network (CAN) membership, certification through the C.A.R.S. National Certification Program, C.A.R.S. Plus CE (continuing education courses), compliance vetting and training, office and storage facilities inspections, business consulting, repossession insurance consulting, lock-smith training and supplies, automotive key codes, discount programs, and a $1 million Client Protection Bond for members of the RISC Complaint Agent Network.

For more information, please e-mail RISC at [email protected], call 866-996-7472, or visit our website at

Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved RISC LLC.